Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Christmas Surprises Finished!
I'll blog more details on both quilts soon. Right now, it's time for this elf to hit the sack!
Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Sneak peek: Christmas Surprise #2
All of the mustaches are appliquéd, the blocks are ready to sew together, and there is a ginormous mess of fabric in my sewing room! I'm using this tutorial, except I decided to use a solid background fabric, and alternate the appliquéd squares with non appliquéd squares.
Hopefully, I'll have some finished pics tomorrow!
Christmas Surprise # 1
I had intended to finish it last Christmas, but never got around to it. After many hours of machine appliqué today, the top is basically put together (although I will probably end up fixing that upside down T in the center caused by accidental matching fabrics -- too bad it didn't fall right side up, since my son's name begins with T!)
I may end up adding another border to add some length -- it is intended to be a lap quilt, but the intended recipient gets taller by the minute!
Tomorrow, I've got a surprise project in mind for my daughter. Then I need to get these presents quilted and wrapped!
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Tutorial: Quilted Christmas Stockings
...I thought it would be the perfect day to share my first-ever tutorial! I've been making some quilt-as you go patchwork stockings and promised in an earlier post that I 'd share what has worked for me!

Here's what you'll need for the project:
- Some scrap strips (jelly rolls or Moda scrap bags work great!
- Batting pieces (large enough to cut two stocking shapes)
- Backing fabric (large enough to cut one stocking shape)
- Lining fabric (two stocking shapes)
- Piece of leftover binding (2 1/2" double-fold straight of grain)

Next, stitch on the drawn line with a straight stitch. The reason for this step is that it will transfer the shape easily to the reverse side so that you'll be able to cut it out once you've covered it with strips.
Place your first strip in the center. Be sure the edges extend a little past the drawn line.
Place your second strip next to your first strip to make sure it will be long enough to cover the template.
Put the second strip on top of the first strip, right sides together. Stitch a quarter inch seam through both strips AND the batting.

Continue adding strips. As you get near the toe area, be sure to cut your strips long enough to cover the drawn shape when unfolded. In fact, you should cut them a little longer just to be safe!
Trust me -- you don't want to end up with this-- see how the red strip falls short of the drawn line after stitching? That means seam ripping will follow!

Now, flip the piece over and use the outline you stitched in the first step to cut out the shape. Cut right on the stitched line.
When you're done cutting...
...flip it over and admire your work!
Now, layer another piece of batting, your backing fabric, and your quilted stocking front. Backing and stocking front should be right sides together. If you wish, you can omit the batting, but I like the extra body it adds to the stocking. This batting piece should be on the bottom. Pin the pieces together.
You don't need to cut out the stocking shape from the backing and batting yet. Stitch through all layers 1/4 inch from edge of stocking front. Be sure to backstitch at the beginning and end, and leave the top opening of the stocking unstitched.

Trim backing and batting even with stocking front and clip around the curved edge, being careful not to clip stitching line.

Turn your stocking inside out, and press.

Cut two stocking pieces from lining fabric; sew together with a 1/4 inch seam and clip curves.
It was hard to get a picture of this next step! Leaving the lining wrong side out, stick your hand inside like an oven mitt, and push the lining inside the stocking. Make sure the toe parts end up in the same place! (Again, trust me on this!)
Pin raw edges together at the top, matching seams. Baste.
At this point, you can add your hanger. You can use a piece of ribbon, or you can make your own tab. Cut a 2 1/2" x 5" rectangle, fold in half right sides together and stitch 1/4 " seam on long edge (secure beginning and end with backstitch).
Turn tube right side out, press, fold in half with raw edges together. Stitch to stocking, lining up raw edges (I like to center it on the heel seam).

Turn stocking inside out. Sew your leftover binding strip to the top. You may want to attach it first with a basting stitch, as in order to join the ends diagonally as you would on a quilt, you'll need to have some of it free, and I found that every time I did this step, I needed to detach more than I thought to maneuver it in order to join the ends. Once the ends are joined, you can resew the binding edge.
Turn stocking right side out, fold binding over, and machine stitch to secure it. Press stocking, then admire and enjoy!
Friday, December 14, 2012
More Stocking Fun!
I promise to share a tutorial soon on the quilt-as-you-go method I used! In the meantime, I'm having lots of fun making these from scraps!
Edited to add: tutorial is HERE!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
The Stockings Were Hung...
I have been hoping to make some new Christmas stockings for our family for quite a while -- it just seems to be one of those things that gets overlooked on the list! I purchased this pattern by Camille Roskelly almost 2 years ago, and finally decided to play around with it this past weekend.
For my prototypes, I chose some non traditional colors-- scraps of the fabric line Hometown by Sweetwater for Moda fabrics. I used a quilt as you go method to make the fronts, which I will illustrate in an upcoming blog post (edited to add: click HERE for that post!) Then, I used this tutorial by CluckCluckSew to make and attach the cuffs.
I liked the cuff, but it also covered up some of my strips, so I also tried one using some leftover binding to finish up the top edge.
I'm in the midst of making another set using leftover strips from Kate Spain's Twelve Days of Chrismas fabric collection, and then I might actually get to work in the ones for our family!